Frizzy-haired girls and boys rejoice! Percy & Reed’s No Oil Oil for Thick Hair is a product that ACTUALLY WORKS FOR ME. WTH.

Wahoo! I don’t know how many frizz-heads read this blog but I have to spread the word about the Percy & Reed Smooth Sealed & Sensational No Oil Oil for Thick Hair (wow that was a mouthful) to as many people as possible because you. will. thank. me. for the inevitable betterment of your life.

As a brownie, my hair 100% falls into the category of frizz. I tried so many things to help at least to reduce the frizz impact to no avail for many-a-years. I tried the coconut oil thing, and the deep conditioning thing, and the shampoo and the whatever! You get the idea. Nothing worked, and I thought to myself, yeah. All frizz-control products are a scam. And I basically lived with my out of control hair for years.

Just to put it out there, I don’t do any heat styling on my hair because I can’t be arsed to put in the effort for 30 mins just for it to last like a total of 5 mins. I ain’t even lying.

So anyway! My friend Vicky dragged me into Sephora one day ’cause she wanted to get a highlighter or something, I forget, and they were having a promotion for Percy & Reed products. I wasn’t planning to get it, but the lady who was also browsing next to us kind of pressured us into getting one.

Shoutout to Wise Lady! You knew what you were talking about, and I am forever grateful despite your pushiness.

Percy & Reed


My friend and I both ended up getting one each. She’s Vietnamese so her hair was already nice and fine and silky and asian, but somehow she felt the need to get one. I ain’t here to judge though! She said she felt a difference too; she got the one for fine hair. Yes, you heard right! There’s one for thick hair and one for fine hair. So my fine-haired friends who don’t want to be left out can also experience this wonderful product!

The No-Oil-Oil, as I’ve taken to calling it for short, comes in a pump tube bottle thing, containing 60ml of product. It’s a lot, and can last you a long time. I wash my hair about twice a week (because it isn’t good for your scalp to wash it everyday, plus genetics and whatever blessed me with a non-oily scalp), and after every wash, I use about 2-3 pumps. They recommend 1-2, but my hair is… a lot, and long-ish, so I have to use a bit more. It’s barely depleted! I still haven’t even finished my first bottle and it’s been like 5/6 months? Dunno. Anyway, a little goes a long way, and from Sephora, you can get it for 30 buckaroos for the 60ml and 14 buckaroos for the 15ml. Totally worth it!


Image credit Giphy

Their bottle describes the claims to create “silky hair which is as smooth as a Singapore Sling at sunset”, which, wow, imagery. I wouldn’t say my hair became that smooth, ’cause hearing that, I’d be expecting my hair to not stick up at all, but alas, while frizziness has improved, this wonder juice is not made out of miracles. It is virtually impossible for hair like mine to be that smooth and silky, but I’ll still hold out some hope!

Also, it’s actually good for your hair. Percy & Reed claim it “nourishes and repairs” your hair, which I am all for.  It’s made me hair A LOT less frizzy so I was happy going out with my less-frizzed hair, with no thought to even attempt styling it. I’m not sure if it can be used for styling (simply because I don’t do any styling myself), but it probably wouldn’t hurt if it did!

You’re supposed to apply 1-2 drops of this oil from root to tip on towel-dried hair and I know what you’re thinking. But do not fear! Usually, applying any oil to your roots will make your scalp oily after just washing your hair, and it’s like nooooooo amirite? This doesn’t do that! I’m guessing it has something to do with its fancy formula, and also it being applied on wet hair instead of dry. 🤓

Speaking of! I’m a delinquent! And unable follow instructions so I tried using it on a day I hadn’t washed my hair i.e. I put it on COMPLETELY DRY HAIR despite the bottle BLATANTLY dictating not to. I suppose you know where this is going.

Don’t do that.

It made my hair surprisingly not as oily as I thought (which, formula, hooray) but made my hair crispy. You heard me right, I said crispy.

Image credit Giphy

I don’t even know how or why, but heck, science is science. My hair was crispy. It didn’t break off or anything, in fact it still made my hair shiny, but it was just super stiff and made this crisk-crisk sound. Crispy indeed. I don’t think it damaged my hair, but it certainly wasn’t smooth like a Singaporean in a sling or whatever that metaphor was. Sunset something.

When I did manage to follow instructions, my hair was noticeably smoother and shinier. And my frizz-peeps know, it’s mostly the hair at the roots that piss us off because there’s no way to tie them back into a ponytail or braid and hide the frizz-ness, right? The hair at the roots are visibly muchmuchmuchmuchmuch less frizzy. Amazing.

And bonus bonus bonus points, it smells so good. No lie.

It’s gonna be lit tonight (NO LIE-IE-IE-IE) *shakes booty*

Sorry. (but not really)


This product is hereby recommended to all my frizz-friends. I distinctly recall the days of trying anything I could think of to control the frizz and the frustration when nothing worked. I can finally say that the Percy & Reed Smooth Sealed & Sensational No Oil Oil for Thick Hair 100% worked for me, and I have high hopes it’ll work for you too!

Hope you found this review useful! Have you tried a similar product that worked wonders? Maybe you have suggestions for what I should try next? Let me know in the comments! You can also check out some of my other beauty posts here. Don’t forget to subscribe so you know when I post my next super dope magnum opus content!

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